🎅禮服 $4,688 租2️⃣送1️⃣
🎅西裝訂造體驗 $4,880 全套英國或意大利進口布料
額外贈送馬甲1件、恤衫1件、袖鈕1對及領帶1條 (總值$2,840)
*登記成功後,我們會於一至三個工作天內以電話/Whatsapp 聯繫您
*LUXE Tuxedo保留優惠之最終決定權
*After successful registration, we will contact you via phone or WhatsApp within 1 to 3 working days.
*Promotion only applied for registered customer
*Promotion period until 1/1/2024
*Offers are subject to terms and conditions
*This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other offers or promotions
*This offer are limited to designated style only. Photo is for reference only
*Offers are not subject to refund, transfer, exchange for cash, other rewards or privileges
*For details, please inquire with the customer service officer
*LUXE Tuxedo reserves all rights of final decision on offer